Do you suffer from fitness paralysis?
Have you researched every gym to find the “right” one for you, yet still haven’t decided?
Have you said everything needs to be aligned in order to start?
Here are a few things we’ve heard from Women in HK about joining:
once my work schedule settles down
after the public holiday
once my menstrual cycle is done
once I figure out my dog schedule
after my kids graduate
after I move house
We understand that life will throw you curve balls and the stars may not always align BUT If we waited for the right moment, the perfect time, chances are it won’t happen.
So we continue to wait.
And wait.
Maybe we research again.
We feel inspired but then we remember all the things we must do first.
Until our health has a problem.
Until our physical feeling has had enough.
Until we no longer feel good.
This is where we can help.
We help our members work through their own objections, their own excuses, their own limited beliefs and find a way to move.
We have the training program for you to follow.
We have Coaches who cares about your technique, your safety but also your success.
We have a team who will hold you accountable for showing up and achieving your goals.
But we cant help if you don’t reach out.
So do that today and let’s get you moving.