What does not kill us makes us stronger.

Member Renee faces adversity when she came back from skiing and she felt a pull in her knee. She knew that if she wanted to maintain movement, she would need to immediately see a physio and make sure there is no immediate danger or injury before stepping back in to the gym. After receiving

*1- Stop feeling sorry about ourselves.*

Life happens, and it's time to move on! Stop thinking how unfortunate we were to have caught an injury, but start thinking how fortunate we are to have the tools to move forward, and have the awareness to stop loss (prevent further injury). Seek immediate attention and advice from professionals (phyisotherapist as well as coaches at Pherform).

*2- Have the courage to stare at our adversary in its face.*

Understand our physical limits. After getting professional help, know what are the type of activities to back off from. Though, be precise in what they are. It is okay to get an injury, but not okay to have repetitive injury when we do not give our body the time to rest and heal.

*3- More important to understanding limits, is to understand our abilities.*

Instead of focussing on what I was short of, i.e. for me, the inability to load my left knee, I focussed on what I could achieve. What I was lacking in knee strength, I doubled down on my other muscle groups. I got much stronger in my rowing and assault bike after my recovery, as I was able to pull off the same stunt with three limbs. With four, I became unstoppable!

*Finally, I want to say, how we tackle anything, is how we tackle everything.*

We train to become stronger women both inside the gym, as well as outside of the gym. How we recover from an injury is the same as how we should resolve a failure of our work in real life. Do not let the temporary injury stop us from becoming better versions of ourselves. Let it be a lesson instead. What does not kill us makes us stronger.


Renee has been a member at Pherform since _2023___


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