Personal training is perfect for those looking for individual accountability, flexible scheduling that works around your schedule, and programming designed for your needs and wants.

Its perfect for those who want to learn, define and master new skills and work individually with a Coach. This is when one-on-one personal training is perfect for an individual. For example if one wants to get better at their weightlifting a coach would design sessions to give the time and attention needed to enhance the skills required to perform a snatch or clean & jerk. Mastering any type of skill requires time, consistency and effort. These all can be done in a personal training one-on-one session. We also provide small group training or group sessions for a birthday party or any celebration.

Our best selling PT pack is our 1:1 monthly subscription which gives you 8 PT sessions per month, about 2 per week. You are billed on a monthly basis so no large upfront cost necessary. If you want to upgrade to 3 sessions per week, you can add additional sessions to your pack. The option to add group classes at a discounted rate are also available.

Your Coach will work directly with you on what you want to achieve through training and accountability. Whether you are new to Pherform or looking to supplement your group classes, reach out to our team and we can put you in touch with the coach of choice.

Personal Training On Ramp
12 PT Session Package