Training With An Injury
Training with an injury.
Body Injuries are one of the most common questions we get when it comes to safety of training.
Some common ones we hear include:
- Can I train with a sprained ankle?
- I have ab separation from my pregnancy
- My wrist hurts in a pushup position
Body injuries typically refers to physical harm or damage to any part of the body cause by external force.
Injuries come in a variety of different ways:
-Acute. occurs suddenly. Example: sprain, fracture
-Chronic. developed over time. Example: tendinitis
-Soft tissue. involves muscles, ligaments, tendons
-Bone. Fractures breaks or bruising
-joint. Dislocation or sprain
These are all injuries that can be pinpointed, but one we hear often is chronic pain.
A lot of times these are associated with fear. Examples include:
- I’m scared to do any hinge because of my back pain
- I tore my ACL 10 years ago
- My hamstrings aren’t flexible to do that
Anytime we hear these we dig a bit deeper with our members and ask what their diagnosis is/was. Having an expert like a physio look at the problem/issue to find a solution is the most important key to all this. A good physio should not only assess the problem but give you clear understanding on a solution: how to improve/strengthen, what you can do and what you can’t do, and a trajectory to improvement.
Having this information allows us to attempt to separate the pain/injury with the fear associated with the injury and not doing it again (fear of being in pain).
We try to assess the chronic pain/fear of the athlete and show them alternatives that can be done to continue to move the body. Our coaches will always find a solution for you.
We also highly recommend members supplemented group classes with personal training to have a coach design training to strengthen and progress faster.
Of course rest and rehabilitation is also a key factor in overcoming the injury. Prioritizing sleep, rest, quality nutrition, mobility, cold plunge, massages, are just a few ways.
If you have an injury or fear of pain that has stopped you from starting, reach out to our team and let’s see how we can help you get started.